2010-2011 Archive

Primary 6

Primary 6 Mr T Brown and Mr I Somerville are located in Key Stage Two in Classrooms 11 & 14 respectively.

Mr Browns Class

Mr Brown's Class - 2011

Pictured are Mr Brown, Mrs Johns and their class

Mr Sommervilles Class

Mr Somerville's Class - 2011

Pictured are Mr Somerville and his class

P6 Viking Boat Hull Investigation


During our Viking topic in Term 1 we looked at the design of viking boat hulls.  We had a go at designing our own hulls and making them with tinfoil.  We then testing them to see which one held the most weight.

These pictures show some of P6 carrying out their investigation.



My design floats...but for how long?


Here it goes, I think my design will float.

Group work in P6


Everyone gets involved in the discussion


We can find the soloution if we work together.


It is important that everyone gets a chance to speak.


Group work is fun.

P6 Shannagmore Trip

We are all getting ready in school for the P6 School Residential to Shannaghmore. Following on from the parents evening, please find attached a copy of the slides from the presentation.

Parents of Mr. Somerville's class are advised that they are to drop children off up the path with their bags on the Monday morning of the trip by 9:00 am. Parents of Mr. Brown's class have to follow the same procedure for Wednesday morning.

Don't forget to register with the site in order to access the Shannaghmore blog during the week, where we will post regular updates on the trip!

Download this file (ShannaghmoreInfoSlides.pdf)Shannaghmore Info Slides[Shannaghmore Info Slides]1181 kB