2011-2012 Archive

‘Titanic Assembly’ by Primary 7 Mrs Sloan

The Titanic was the main theme of our School Assembly on Friday the 10th February 2012. The assembly took the form of a mini production by Primary 7 Mrs Sloan's class, they acted out the sinking of the Titanic, with sound and lighting effects included. The cast were dressed in appropriate period costumes and even included the instrumental group we are all so familiar with from the Titanic Ship.


This year is the centenary of the sinking of the Titanic and Primary Seven have been studying some of the events which led up to the tragedy, the reasons why it happened and the safety procedures which were put in place as a consequence of this terrible loss of life. The Assembly message was based around John 15 v 3 'Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends'. The children held their audiences attention through poems, a piano recital, role play, bible readings and prayers.


Please click READ MORE to view the full set of pictures and to listen to the assembly.

The Assembly ended with the words below, read by a narrator:

"It is difficult for us to appreciate how great an impact this disaster had in history. In less than three hours the dreams and confidence of an entire generation sank with the ocean liner. Never again would people be so sure of their engineering and technological ability. However, the tragedy has taught us the importance of self-sacrifice and human bravery, in particular in the actions of the men and crew. Also the relevance of the words of Christ – Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

All classes were almost able to feel that they too were part of this experience, as the props, costumes and effects captured the attention of all.