2010-2011 Archive

Primary 7 at Work

Primary 7 have been investigating the most effective ways of insulating, take a look at our pictures.


 Great teamwork! Quite a lot of 'posing' too! P7McC

Great teamwork! Quite a lot of 'posing' too! 

Investigation Underway! P7McC 

 Investigation underway! The girls just ignore the camera!!


Working as a Team! P7McC 

 Working as a Team!

  Working Together! P7McC

 Working Together!   

 Observing P7McC


 Deep in Thought P7McC

Deep in thought!   

 Discovering! P7McC

 Discovering which material has proven to be the best

form of insulation.

  At Work! P7McC


Young scientists at work! 

 Drawing Conclusions P7McC

Anxious to draw some conclusions. 

 Hard at Work P7McC

 Hard at Work!  Well done boys!