2015-2016 Archive
P6 Farm to Fork Trip
- Details
- Category: Primary 6 2015-16 Archive
- Published: Friday, 26 February 2016 11:13
This week, the two P6 classes went on a class trip to Tesco. The children had a fantastic time investigating where their food comes from. They had to carry out investigations in the aisles regarding various foods and got to make some tasty snacks with bread cheese and ham.
The children then got to see the store rooms and freezers at the back of Tesco that the public don't normally get to see. The children were shocked at how cold the large freezer store is at minus 16 degrees centigrade and didn’t stay in for too long!
After this the children got to see how the bakery department works and helped the bakery team put the sugar on donuts.
The final part of the day was a healthy snack of fruit kebabs in the staff canteen. They also got to eat pancakes which had been made specially for them that morning.
This was a fantastic trip which the children really enjoyed and got a lot out of.