2018-2019 Archive

Primary 5 Investigate Perimeter Using Minecraft and Pic Collage

Primary 5 have recently been working on Perimeter in Numeracy.  They have identified the basic equation for Perimeter and have been experimenting with a variety of dimensions using Minecraft on the iPad.  The children have then presented their findings in the Pic Kids Collage App to demonstrate their understanding of Perimeter.  The children have enjoyed this task and showed excellent skills in the Apps they were expected to use. Some of the pupils extended their learning to demonstrate and present Area as well! Take a look at our gallery to see how the children got on and to view some of the finished projects:

Primary 5 Enjoy A Visit To Parliament Buildings

Primary 5 recently enjoyed a visit to Parliament Buildings, Stormont.  They were given the opportunity to visit the Great Hall and the Assembly Chamber.  The children were able to take part in a debate on 'the advantages/disadvantages of school uniform'.  Everyone took part and contributed to the discussion,  the comments were interesting!  The children were then expected to take their vote on the debate and had to make a choice of 'for' or 'against' by walking through a particular door to be counted.  They thoroughly enjoyed this exercise!  Afterwards the children were then given the opportunity to take part in a voting ballot, four pupils were chosen to represent various laws.  Their job was to convince everyone that their law was the best.  The children were then given a ballot paper from 1 to 4 and were asked to place their vote into a ballot box.  The votes were finally counted and the results announced!!  Mrs Peacocke and Mrs Williamson both agreed that they may have a few budding politicians in Primary 5!  The children enjoyed a picnic in the closely located Stormont Park afterwards.  Take a look through our picture gallery to see how the children got on:

Primary 5 Visit Tayto

Primary 5 recently visited Tayto.  The children enjoyed the experience of seeing how crisps are made from potato to crisp.  They had a tour of the factory and were able to sample a range of the products made within the factory.  The children had a visit from Mr Tayto himself, they all enjoyed posing for a photograph!

Click on the link below to view more photographs of their visit:

Primary 5 Enjoy A Visit To Lough Neagh Discovery Centre

Primary 5 enjoyed a visit to Lough Neagh Discovery Centre at Oxford Island.  Their current topic is Living Things within the World Around Us and they have been busy preparing for this visit.  The children enjoyed the opportunity to walk around the extensive grounds, identifying flowers and minibeasts.  They also got to hunt for minibeasts and go pond dipping.

The children really enjoyed the educational visit and gained much from it. Follow the link to find out more about Lough Neagh Discovery Centre: www.discoverloughneagh.com.  Please click on Read More to view our photographs and enjoy!