2014-2015 Archive

WW2 Day in P4

What a huge success...WW2 Day with P4

When the children arrived in their wonderful outfits they went straight up to the muga, where they were placed into groups, and sent on an imaginary train journey back to the 1940s.You can seee below the timetable of the day, and the pictures should show you all that the P4s got up to.

A huge thankyou to all parents who got your children ready for the day (what fantastic costumes), and especially to those parents and grandparents who gave up their time to come in and help out. Thanks must also be given to Craigavon Museum Services who brought in many resources and volunteers to work with the children. We all loved it!

Time Guide


9:00am – 9:15am

Children   will come into class and get settled. We will walk up to the muga and   ‘travel’ back in time to 1940. The children will be put into their groups and   directed where to go from there.

Assembly   Hall

Classrooms/Resource   Area


Air Raids & Evacuation

Civil Defence

Blackout curtain investigation (Mr Gault’s Room)

Food (Mrs McClelland’s room)

Memorabilia (KS1 Resource Area)





9:15am –


Group 1: Britain

Group   2: America

Group   3: France

Group   4: Germany

Group   5: Italy

Group   6: Japan

9.35am – 9.55am

Group   3: France

Group   1: Britain

Group   2: America

Group   6: Japan

Group   4: Germany

Group   5: Italy

9.55am – 10.15am

Group   2: America

Group   3: France

Group 1: Britain

Group   5: Italy

Group   6: Japan

Group 4: Germany

10:30am – 11:00am


Ham, cheese or jam   sandwich and apple

11:00am – 11.20am

Group   4: Germany

Group   5: Italy

Group   6: Japan

Group 1:   Britain

Group   2: America

Group   3: France

11.20am – 11.40am

Group   6: Japan

Group   4: Germany

Group   5: Italy

Group   3: France

Group   1: Britain

Group   2: America

11.40am – 12.00pm

Group   5: Italy

Group   6: Japan

Group 4: Germany

Group   2: America

Group   3: France

Group 1: Britain

12.00pm – 12.30pm

All pupils to Mr Gault’s classroom to   watch Belfast Blitz video

12.30pm – 1.30pm


1.30pm – 2.30pm

All pupils to Mr Gault’s room to ask   questions to ‘speakers.’

2.30pm – 3.00pm

The children will have time to play in   their ‘dress up clothes’ up at the MUGA.


Please click on READ MORE to view all the pictures of the day.

Year 4 investigate weight

As part of our year 4 numeracy, we spent some time investigating weight. We started by discussing the type of 'measure' weight is, and looked at the units used to weigh (do you know what these are?) Then, using the food items which we brought in a few weeks ago for another activity, we estimated which were heavier. We compared items in twos, and then tested our estimations using weighing scales.

We developed our investigation by estimating how heavy specfic items were, and then weighing them to see their actual weight. Did you know that a tin of beans (with sausages) weighs 500g (that is including the weight of the tin)? Also, did you know Mr Gault's phone weighs 250g? We guessed 350g so we were out by 100g!

You can see some of us 'investigating' if you scroll through the pictures below.

Greek Myths

Today, Yr 4G were exploring the structure and language of myths, focussing on the famous myth of Odysseus and Polyphemus. After doing the written work, and to add to our 'Thinking Skills and Personal Capability' targets, we went outside and worked in groups to create 'freeze frames' of the myth, starring Odysseus, Polyphemus, a sailor and a sheep. The children worked really well in their groups, organising their 'frame,' and working together to get a great 'picture' to show the class.

If you know the myth, look through the pictures and see if you can guess which scene the groups were trying to illustrate.

P4 Palace Stables Trip

P4 enjoyed an exciting educational trip to palace stables to find out some more information on WW2.

When they arrived they made identity cards and name tags so they wouldn't be accused of being spies!!
Next they took a trip to America and met a real GI Joe who taught them how to break a code and stand to attention.

Finally they were met by an  evacuation officer where they were educated on rationing  and air raid drills.

They finished off their trip with a visit to an underground air raid shelter.  Thank you to all the staff of Palace Stables who took great care of us.


Reminder For Primary 4 Children Participating in the Glenavon Football Academy

The Glenavon Academy for those Primary 4 children signed up will commence on Friday 16th January through to Friday 6th March.  It will be held from 3 to 4pm on our own Muga Pitch.

The children will need to bring with them shin-guards and a bottle of water and are to be collected at the usual pick-up points at 4pm sharp.  

The Academy WILL take place regardless of the weather condition.

Primary 4 Visit Armagh Planetarium

Primary four recently visited the Armagh Planetarium to hear the story of 'The Mystery of the Christmas Star'.

The children watched a wonderful film on the story of the Christmas Star. The two classes then went on to hear interesting facts about meteorites and space travel. They then went on to make their own space rockets using plastic bottles and card.  The children were given an opportunity to launch the rockets they had made and had great fun doing so! Everyone had a great day out.