2017-2018 Archive

Primary 2 Pirate Day!

Primary 2 have enjoyed learning about water and pirates in Term 3.  Recently both Primary 2 classes had a full day of Pirate fun!  The children came to school dressed as a pirate or favourite character from the story of Peter Pan, there was a lot of excitement.  Each class heard pirate stories and sang pirate songs.  Everyone got to make two pirate items, a pirate hat and a hook.  They then made a yummy beach trifle!  For snack the children enjoyed a pirate break including pirate boat fruit, plain biscuits and sea water juice (blue juice).  After lunch it was time to search for treasure and every child got to find one gold chocolate coin.  Throughout the day face painting was offered, you can imagine we had lots of pirate beards for home time!

Everyone had such a wonderful day.

P2 Visit Quality Time

This week, both P2 classes went on a trip to Quality Time in Banbridge. We had such an amazing time. As soon as we arrived we were warmly greeted by Natasha, the owner of Quality Time and we knew we were in for an exciting morning.

Firstly, we entered the wonderful outdoor play area and our lovely dry morning suddenly turned into a Winter wonderland. Can you believe that we had snow in June? (see pictures).  Next we went into 2 groups and half of the class were brought into the workshop room while the other half of the class got to explore and use their imaginations around the topic of pirates and water in the indoor/outdoor area.

During the workshop the children had hands on experience playing at a number of stations such as investigating ice, spraying clouds with coloured water, mixing primary colours to make secondary colours, weighing, small world pirate play, marbling etc. We even got to explore live tadpoles. It was absolutely wonderful as the pictures show. Meanwhile in the main area; the boys and girls enjoyed playing in the role play area which had been transformed into a hospital. They also got to explore more in the topic of water by brushing pictures of teeth with toothpaste, washing babies in the bath, playing in the outdoor kitchen etc. They were also treated to a beautiful, healthy snack of fruit, cheese, breadsticks, pancakes, water or milk.

If you haven’t visited this hidden gem, it is a must, you will not be disappointed.

Primary 2 Learn Lifeguard Skills!

Primary Two have been learning about Pool Safety.  The children can now recognise the safety signs that they may find around the poolside as well as the various dangers.  They are now aware of the steps they should take if they were to fall into danger.  The week concluded with a fantastic visit from a local lifeguard, Justin.  He was able to share with all of the children his experiences of being a lifeguard and made the children aware of the dangers they may face in various situations and how best to resolve them!  Thank you Justin!


Primary 2 Take A Walk Around Waringstown Village


Primary 2 spent a lovely morning walking around the Waringstown village, observing the different types of homes and buildings. The children worked with a partner and together recorded their findings on their tick sheet. We even bumped into a friendly bunch of nursery children on a mission to get their snack J

Primary 2 Are Visited By An Architect

Primary 2 had a visit from an architect recently!  Mrs Waddington came in to teach us about designing a house and how they built their own house.  The children had lots of questions and there were lots of pictures to see!

A huge thank you to Mrs Waddington for being our special visitor for our Houses and Homes topic.

Primary Two Enjoy A Visit From The Nurse


During our topic of 'Wonderful Me' Primary 2 had a very exciting visit from Anna's mum, Mrs Turner.  She was able to share with the children lots of information and stories about her life as a nurse.  The children were taught new facts about how much blood is in our bodies and also using plastic water bottles to show how specific parts of our bodies work such as our heart.

She demonstrated how as a nurse she would take blood using a special needle and then explained where the blood would go to be tested and checked. 

A huge thank you to Mrs Turner for giving the Primary 2 children a very exciting insight into life as a nurse.

Primary 2 Embark On The Polar Express!


Primary 2 recently had a ‘Polar Express’ themed week in school.  To start the exciting fun filled week the children came to school dressed in their pyjamas and teachers were the train conductors! The children enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows and a cookie while watching the Polar Express movie.

Each child received a very exciting gift at the end of the day – ‘THE BELL’!!!!!  J J