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2016-2017 Archive

Primary 2 Enjoy Being Pirates!


Primary 2 recently enjoyed a special pirate-themed day in school.  They all dressed up as pirates, listened to pirate stories and sang pirate songs!  They also decorated their own wooden treasure chest and made pirate hats!  They enjoyed pirate-ship oranges, pancake boats, pirate biscuits and shark-infested water for snack!  They made desert-island desserts and finished the day with a treasure hunt for chocolate coins.  What a busy day - aarr, harr!!  Click on the link below to view our photographs:

RNLI Visit P2

David from the RNLI visited Primary 2 today. We learnt all about keeping safe at the beach and in the sea. David told us all about the different coloured flags that we might see at the beach and what they mean. We also saw pictures of different lifeboats. Thank you David for coming to speak to us.

Primary Two Learn About Pool Safety!

Primary Two have been learning about Pool Safety.  The children can now recognise the safety signs that they may find around the poolside as well as the various dangers.  They are now aware of the steps they should take if they were to fall into danger.

The week concluded with a fantastic visit from a local lifeguard, Justin.  He was able to share with all of the children his experiences of being a lifeguard and made the children aware of the dangers they may face in various situations and how best to resolve them!  Thank you Justin! Click on the link below to view our photo gallery:

Primary 2 Enjoy Their Topic On Houses And Homes


Primary Two have enjoyed their new topic of Houses and Homes. We have been learning about the different types of houses, the stages of building a house and the role of both the architect and builder.  

The children enjoyed a walk around Waringstown Village where they were able to identify and record the different types of house that they saw.

We had two brave parents who came into school to share with the children a little bit about their job roles and responsibilities. Mr Kissick, a builder, told the children all about the different stages of building a house and the different tools needed. They children even got the opportunity to do some tiling. Mr Irwin spoke to the children about the role of an architect. The children learned all about the importance of measuring carefully and how to make a  plan of a house.  The children were shown some of the measuring tools used by an architect and even got to dress up!

A big thank you to both parents, the children loved having you.

Primary 2 Lead The Whole School Assembly



Primary 2 have been practising very hard for today’s assembly. The theme was ‘Rainbow Promises’. The children dressed in rainbow colours and told the story of how God made a promise to Noah. Children shared their own idea of a promise some including, being kind to their friends and being helpful at home. The children loved being on centre stage and sang their hearts out. Mrs Boyce and Miss Neill were so proud of each and every child J

Primary 2 Enjoy Their Topic of 'Wonderful Me'

Primary 2 have enjoyed their topic of ‘Wonderful Me’ this term. We started by studying the face and all of its features, each making their face out of clay,  and then moved on to learning about our skeleton and the parts of our body. During structured play we had great fun making healthy fruit smoothies and even learning how to wash and bath babies correctly. We concluded our topic with a visit from Amy’s mum, Mrs Lyness, a dental nurse who kindly took the time to tell us how to keep our teeth healthy and clean,  thank you!  Take a look through our picture gallery to see how we got on:

Apple Day in Primary 2

Primary Two had a great fun during Apple Day.  Everyone arrived at school dressed in red and green.  The children really enjoyed taking part in all the apple activities throughout the day.  The first activity was apple printing.  Each child had the opportunity at making their own apple prints.  There was great excitement during dunking for apples (with forks) and special apple themed games on the MUGA.  After a fun filled day each child got an apple to bring home.

Primary 2 Make Hedgehogs

Primary 2 have been learning lots of new facts about hedgehogs. During play this week we enjoyed shaping and moulding our piece of clay into the perfect hedgehog shape. We pinched the clay to help it resemble a snout and inserted lots of wooden sticks to resemble its spines. The children all had great fun getting their hands dirty and seeing their final mater piece. I think you’ll agree they did a great job! Enjoy our pictures:{gallery}P2 hedgehogs{/gallery}


Primary 2 Visit Palace Stables

Primary Two concluded their topic of apples with a visit to the Palace Stables in Armagh for an Apple Fest Programme. Each child enjoyed making an Annie Apple craft followed by step by step guide to making apple flavoured potato bread – unfortunately some not so helpful tips on hygiene were given J. They learned how to juice an apple using a very unusual piece of equipment which took a lot strength. We concluded our day by learning the process of how apples grow, right up until they are served in our homes as apple products. A very informative, fun filled day with lots laughter.

Primary 2 Taste Turnip Soup

 Primary 2 had lots of fun tasting turnip soup. The children were given the opportunity to touch, smell and taste some raw turnip before it was cooked and made into delicious turnip soup. Some of the boys and girls liked it so much that they wanted to take some home for their tea!