Internet Safety Awareness

In Waringstown Primary School we take the safety of our children very seriously, that also includes their safety on the Internet.

Children are becoming increasingly computer literate so it is essential that parents/carers are fully aware of the pros and cons of their child using the Internet. As we continue our new School year and Term, would you please ensure you talk to your child about the SMART rules for the use of the Internet and general E-Safety within school and home.

Visit the Our Policy Link to view the E-Safety Policy.

Below you will find links to websites which offer advice to help ensure that children stay safe while online and will also help to reinforce the SMART rules:

Know IT All – visit here for plenty of information for parents about online safety:            

Thinkuknow – plenty of information on how to stay safe on the internet. Your child can also visit this website for age related advice and activities:

Click on the PDF attachments below to access the SMART & SAFE rules for:

Download this file (ESafety Tips N-P2.pdf)ESafety Tips - Nursery to P2[ESafety Tips - Nursery to P2]598 kB
Download this file (SAFE Rules for iPads.pdf)SAFE Rules for iPads[SAFE Rules for iPads]390 kB
Download this file (SMART rules poster.pdf)SMART Rules - P3 to P7[SMART Rules - P3 to P7]560 kB