Ditch The Dark Day 2024

It was wonderful to see the children shining bright on Friday for Ditch the Dark Day as well as all the bikes and scooters with accessories. 

During our School Assembly we talked about the importance of being bright and safe on dark days when actively travelling to and from school.  Thank you to everyone for participating in this fun and enjoyable day and for the effort that was put into outfits and accessorizing bikes and scooters.

Huge well done to our winners of Brightest Scooter and Brightest Bike who won lights to accessorize their bike and scooter and to help them stay safe.

It was a tough decision when judging the Brightest Class but congratulations must go to Primary 4 Mrs Carpenter, our deserving winners, we hope they all enjoyed their little sweet treat.

The children all enjoyed the Red Dress Fun Run for NI Chest, Heart and Stroke and thank you to all who generously donated to this very worthwhile charity.  The total amount raised will follow!

Please enjoy looking through the photos of a very memorable day!