Shannaghmore Trip Blog - 2024 - Day 4

117 photos arrived from Day 4! Please click the READ MORE link below to view them all. 


#17 Allan McCullough 2024-06-14 00:21
Hi Lucie! Looks like you’re having a blast and I’m so proud of you. Mummy has been sending me all your pics and it makes my day xx
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#16 Grant Martin 2024-06-13 21:44
Hi Josiah. What a brilliant trip. Photos look amazing! Can’t wait to hear all about it. Enjoy your movie night!
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Love you. Dad xx
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#15 Laura Uprichard 2024-06-13 20:52
Hi Harry. Looks like you are having a great time!!
We miss you sooo much. Enjoy your movie night.
Can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Lots of love mum, dad, Ella and Poppy xxx
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#14 Andrew Little 2024-06-13 20:38
Hi Clara it looks like you’re having a blast, enjoy movie night and we’re all looking forward to seeing you tomorrow x
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#13 Colin Massey 2024-06-13 20:31
Hi William… loving the pictures.. looks like good fun. Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures! In Ports news.. Cathair Friel has signed! See you tomorrow. Love Dad x
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#12 Nanny jojo 2024-06-13 20:24
Hiya Lucie hope you’re having lots of fun. Enjoy the rest of your time away. Nanny jojo and granda johnny can’t wait to hear all about your big adventure. Love you ❤️
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#11 Sophie Morrow 2024-06-13 20:21
Wow Eva, what a day! Looks like you’re having an amazing time. You adrenaline addict, can’t wait to hear all about it tomorrow
Enjoy your movie night
Love you lots
Mummy, Daddy and Amelia
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#10 Judith White 2024-06-13 20:08
aww Isaac, looks like use didn't let the weather stop use today and have had an action packed fun day. These photos are class. We are jealous your getting to do all these amazing activities while we are stuck in school and work. Enjoy your movie night and treats. Cant wait to see you tomorrow and hear all about your trip.
lots of love mum, dad and Charlie. xx
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#9 Chris Thompson 2024-06-13 19:57
Wet bouldering and archery looked great,
can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow!!!!
Enjoy movie night and the rest of it!
Proud of you! Dad 8)
Carrie is missing you, she says Hi! Xo
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#8 Chrisie Liggett 2024-06-13 19:53
Looks like you’re having an awesome time guys regardless of the weather you’s just embraced it! Glad to see that big smile on your face Elise. See you tomorrow love you lots Mum, Dad, Ryan, & Mason. P.s you might want to sleep if your going to Brownies trip tomorrow night :D xx
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#7 Katie Kane 2024-06-13 19:48
Hi Alfie, the bouldering looks amazing! You look like you are having so much fun! Very impressed with the climbing wall too. Isabella wishes she could have a go. :-) Enjoy your movie night tonight and all the sweets. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow, love you!! Mum, Dad, Bella and Ted xxx
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#6 Victoria Irwin 2024-06-13 19:44
Hey Jakey! Looks like you’ve had the best day, love the pictures! Enjoy your last night and tomorrow! Can’t wait to hear all about it! House has been very quiet without you, miss you loads, can’t wait to see you tomorrow ???????? Mum & Dad xx
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#5 Ciara Thompson 2024-06-13 19:39
Pops looks like you are having a great time the weather hasn’t stopped yous having fun we all miss you xx
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#4 Debbie Lockhart 2024-06-13 19:36
Hi Molly

Looks like you have had a blast today. We are super proud of you for giving things a go, know water activities are by far your least favourite thing. Keep going and in one more sleep you will be home. Enjoy movie night and see you tomorrow. XOXO
Love you lots
Mum, Dad and Ellie
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#3 jane woodside 2024-06-13 19:32
Hey Matthew, hope you have had a fab day. Looks so much fun. Enjoy movie night, see you tomorrow. We have all missed you, house is very quiet with you not here. Love you xx
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#2 Ruth & Steven Savage 2024-06-13 19:31
Hi Daniel, Today looked like fun. We are so happy to see your smiling face!! We hope you enjoy the movie night and treats. Looking forward to hearing all about your fantastic trip. Love, Mum, Dad, Caleb and Leah x
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#1 Zoe Elliott 2024-06-13 19:22
Hey Lu, hope you’re having the best time! Very lucky having Mum 2.0 with you! Enjoy movie night & see you tomorrow ❤️
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