What to do if …
Action Needed …
My Child has coronavirus symptoms
- Do not come to school
- Self-isolate
- Get a test
- Inform school immediately about test result
My child tests positive for coronavirus
- Do not come to school
- Inform school immediately about the test result
- Self-isolate for at least 10 days
My child tests negative for coronavirus
- Do not come to school – until all symptoms clear. If one of the symptoms is a high temperature. The pupil must stay at home for 48 hours after the first recorded ‘normal’ reading.
- Inform school immediately about the test result
Somebody in my household has coronavirus symptoms
- Do not come to school
- Household member to get a test
- Inform school immediately about the test result
Somebody in my household has tested positive with coronavirus
- Do not come to school
- Inform school immediately about the positive test result
- Self-isolate for 14 days
The track and trace scheme/app has identified my child as a close contact of somebody with symptoms of confirmed coronavirus
- Do not come to school
- Self-isolate for 14 days
My child has travelled abroad and has to self-isolate as part of the quarantine procedures
- Returning from a destination where quarantine is needed – Do not come to school
- Self-isolate for 14 days
- Provide information to the school as per attendance policy
Staff or pupils in my child’s bubble have tested positive
- Do not come to school
- Everyone in the bubble must self-isolate for 14 days
- Take a test