Nursery News

New Arrivals At The Nursery

There was much excitement in the Nursery this week as we prepared our new chicken coup for our three new hens!  This new venture was funded by money raised through our Sponsored Cycle last week where the children raised a grand total of £648!  The chickens came from Clogher Valley Poultry and here is a link to their website:

We look forward to an egg or two each day and the children are looking forward to naming them!

Nursery Complete Sponsored Cycle!

Our Nursery children took part in a Sponsored Cycle last week - riding their bicycles, scooters and balance bikes around the MUGA pitch for 15 minutes!  They had great fun and raised an incredible total of £648!  This will help to fund our new venture of chickens and a chicken coup in the Nursery.  Thank you to all the parents and friends who sponsored the children and gave so generously to support the new venture!